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How Florida car insurance fails those with severe injuries

The whole point of motor vehicle insurance is to protect people from suffering massive losses just because they drive. Some motor vehicle insurance protects the person who holds the policy from losses, and some motor vehicle insurance protects against liability if a driver hurts someone else.

Florida requires a little bit of each kind of coverage, so every driver’s policy protects them directly from certain costs and from liability arising from others. Although the system does give drivers a little more control over what coverage they have access to, it still leaves those with serious injuries in a vulnerable position.

Florida’s mandatory insurance requirements are quite low

Every driver has to carry property damage liability protection in case they cause a crash, although Florida only requires $10,000 in protection.

Every driver must also carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage that applies to them and anyone in their vehicle. This PIP coverage can reimburse someone for up to 80% of their medical costs after a crash. Although drivers can carry more coverage than that, many choose not to do so.

If the other driver does not have liability coverage for injuries to others, you may only have your own PIP to rely on, and that might fall woefully short of the actual costs you incur.

What happens when there isn’t enough insurance to cover your care?

Traumatic injuries often result from motor vehicle collisions. If you suffered a brain injury, a spinal cord injury or a severe fracture of an arm or leg, you may require tens of thousands of dollars worth of medical care. You may go weeks or even several months unable to earn a paycheck. Injuries that cause lasting symptoms can also have a negative impact on someone’s long-term earning potential.

If you have massive medical losses after a crash and not enough PIP coverage to protect yourself, you may need to bring a civil claim against the other driver who caused the wreck. A successful personal injury claim could help you secure reimbursement for those unpaid medical expenses and the lost income you have suffered or will suffer because of your injury.

Learning about insurance is an important part of protecting yourself after a car crash in Florida

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When you’ve suffered an injury, make sure you choose an attorney who you can trust to protect your best interests every step of the way. Contact The Robertson Law Firm today.
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    The Robertson Law Firm

    330 South Pineapple
    Suite 110
    Sarasota, FL 34236-5714
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