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Where A Good Recovery
Is No Accident

Sarasota Personal Injury Blog

Robertson launches new law firm

SARASOTA, Fla. – Bill Robertson, a fifth-generation Sarasota personal injury attorney, is founding his own law firm, The Robertson Law Firm, PA, after a 36-year career at Kirk-Pinkerton, PA. With more than 36 years of experience, Robertson has a lengthy and robust...

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Sarasota Attorney Suing Earplug Maker On Behalf of Veterans

Bill Robertson says 3M made a defective product that didn’t protect the hearing of members of the military. Sarasota attorney Bill Robertson is pursuing legal claims against the manufacturer of potentially defectiveearplugs worn in combat by military veterans. The...

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When you’ve suffered an injury, make sure you choose an attorney who you can trust to protect your best interests every step of the way. Contact The Robertson Law Firm today.
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    The Robertson Law Firm

    330 South Pineapple
    Suite 110
    Sarasota, FL 34236-5714
    Sarasota Law Office

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